Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Objective Critique

In the original piece, "the son of man by Rene Margritte, used space very well the emphasize the Man and the apple infron of the mans face. The Son of Man also has a very nice use of color, that promotes balance to the piece. I also love its use of texture and balance when it comes to detail put in the face, adding more emphasis to it. This is also why i dislike the apple being out in front of  the face as I feel its Form throws of the pieces rhythm intentionally.

Compare and Contrast

When I was recreating the son of man I knew what I wanted the similarities of my new piece and the original "The son of man" by Rene Margritte to be, I wanted to keep the man in the center as one of the emphasis of the piece. I also wanted keep the man in business a tire to keep what I felt was the theme. When it comes to differences between my piece and the original, the original had more empty space, which helped emphasis the man and the apple more, while my piece has more of a background. My piece is also more of a modern spin on the original, with a more modern suit.

The New Son of Man

In progress

Critique - The Son of Man

The 3 problems that i have with this piece of art work are as follows
1. The face seems to have been highly detailed but in the end it was blocked by the apple that was placed in front of it
2. The background does not seem to match the picture or the  theme in my opinion  due to  its simpleness and lack of anything
3. I feel it could do a better job of showing off its theme of being modernized man but having more modern elements in it  a new suit
These are the three elements i hope to fix with my rendition of the piece
"The Son of Man"

By Rene Margritte
Oil on canvas